Barn Beam Chandelier

I got the idea for this hand hewn barn beam chandelier one day while browsing Pinterest. It looked like a great way to add a big bold statement in a room with a chandelier. After seeing the idea on Pinterest I filed it away in my head for later use.

Fast forward some months and my wife and I were browsing through one of our local antique malls. I remember seeing an old barn beam there on one of our previous visits and after telling her about my idea and remembering seeing the beam we decided to go see.

Sure enough there it was, an old barn beam tucked away in the corner of an antique booth in the mall. The hew marks were beautiful and a testament to the hard work put in shaping the timbers. There was a tenon with a peg hole and a mortise too with an old peg. So we lugged the timber to the cash register and went on our way with the beam.

After getting home that’s when the work started. Holes were drilled, wires were ran, and wires were spliced. Bulb sockets were connected and lightbulbs were screwed in and then the moment of truth. The beam was wired up and the switch turned on and all seven bulbs lit up.

Chain was added to hang the chandelier and give it an industrial look and chain might have been necessary given the weight.

All in all the barn beam chandelier was a lot of fun to build and would make a great addition to any kitchen, restaurant, business, or place where you desire a unique light sure to turn heads.